Monday 19 December 2011

4D ultrasound scan technology:How it works?

4D ultrasound is much like 2D and 3D by using sound to create images. The human ear can hear up to 20,000 waves per second or 20KHZ. Ultrasound works with 200KHZ or higher. Ultrasound works with high frequency sound waves that are transmitted into the body during a scan. It works best through soft tissue and fluid, not as well through bone and not through air. See What is ultrasound, and Where it started The reflected energy or echo returns to the ultrasound transducer and the signal that is received is the energy transmitted minus the strength and frequency returned. 

2D is a type of scan that has been used since the 1950's and makes ultrasound images like looking at the faces of each slice of bread. Each picture is a vertical representation of the density of the scan. A sophisticated computer then takes the data and creates an image on the screen. 2D is very primitive, but it still shows valuable information to doctors for certain types of conditions, such as abnormalities and anomalies.

3D ultrasound was first developed by Olaf von Ramm and Stephen Smith at Duke University in 1987 works the same way as 2D, but the transducer is moved around the area on the skin over the organ, tissue, or fetus to be inspected. This creates signals on multiple angles and different planes. Instead of the pictures being of the inside of the object, they create a surface rendering. This makes more of a sculpture-like image. A fetus can be observed with great clarity. The baby's sex can be determined early on. At 18 weeks, a baby has eyelids that open and blink. You can see details like fingernails later on. 

4D ultrasound uses multiple images in rapid succession to give the effect of motion. When an object is getting closer to the transducer, it reflects a higher frequency and when it is going away the echos have a lower frequency. This is known as the Doppler effect. The images are interpreted a little bit differently from its 2D and 3D cousins. It not only shows images like a sculpture, the computer creates a stream of images in a movie-like manner. The ultrasound pictures are shown so fast on the monitor, that the baby's movements are seen in real time. The mannerisms and personality of the baby are seen. By 26 weeks all the baby's behaviors are exhibited. Any abnormal development or conditions such as down syndrome can be detected as well.[3] 4D ultrasound can also show the blood flow through the arteries and veins. This is particularly important to tell if the heart and other organs are functioning normally. 

4 ways on How to hack facebook password

1;Facebook phishing:
i think this is the most popular method of hacking facebook. I studied various facebook surveys taken on web about hacking facebook. The results of these surveys show "Phishing" as the most used method to hack facebook and to note…"Phishing is favorite method of facebook hackers". So, friends.. beware of facebook Phishing. Facebook staff is working hard to avoid these Facebook phishers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also almost any email account.
Keylogging becomes more easy if you have physical access to victim computer as only thing you have to do is install a keylogger and direct it to your destination so that it will send all recorded keystrokes to pointed destination. What a keylogger does is it records the keystrokes into a log file and then you can use these logs to get required Facebook password and thus can hack facebook password.

3. Social engineering:

I think many of you might be knowing how what this social engineering, For newbies, social engineering is method of retrieving password or answer of security question simply be quering with the victim. You have to be very careful while using this as victim must not be aware of your intention. 

4.Primary email address hack 

If Facebook hacker, by some means, hacks your gmail or yahoo account which you are using as primary email address, then this Facebook hacker can easily hack your Facebook password using "Forgot password" trick. He will simply ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked. Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and it will be hacked !!!

So, always remember to protect your Facebook primary email address and try to keep unknown or useless mail id as your primary email address.

p/s: this is for educational purpose only and please don’t try to be a hackers nooo;))

Sunday 18 December 2011

This is the World's First Mobile Phone, Year 1922

Pathé archives in Britain said they stumble on a silent film - titled 'Eve Wirel ess' - in their archives, they do not believe what they see. Clips showing two women dressed in New York carrying a device that looks quite large, they are connected to a fire hydrant via a long cable.Here stood an umbrella, which appears to act as an antenna and paired is used to make calls. They were then shown talking to the operator who then plays LPs for them as elementary Spotify.

Mark Harris of British Pathe said: "It's amazing that almost 90 years ago mobile phone technology and music in motion not only think but try." One of our researchers to come in the clip and we were amazed that the idea was so long, we used the budding technology appeared in the 1950's and 60's but that was four years before the first television show. " "This phone even has a cover that makes the first flip phone that we realize, although it probably will not win any design awards. "This film still remains a mystery to the British Pathe, because no record is limited by the tube, and they are asking for anyone who has more information to contact them.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Doa dan amalan ketika mengandung..Selamat Beramal!!:)

Sewaktu mengandung, sebaik-baiknya kita membaca surah-surah di dalam Al-Quran untuk dijadikan amalan harian.
Ia juga baik diamalkan sewaktu membesarkan anak-anak.
1. Surah Yusuf: Utk mendapatkan anak yang comel/cantik
2. Surah Luqman: Utk mendapatkan anak yang bijak/pintar/pandai
3. Surah Maryam: Utk mendapatkan anak yang soleh
4. Surah An-Nahl ayat 78: Utk memudahkan bersalin (dengan izin Allah SWT)
5. Surah Al-Fatihah
6. Surah Yaasin
7. Surah Ayatul Kursi
8. Surah Al-Araaf ayat 189
9. Surah Al-Imran ayat 38: Doa memohon anak yang baik
10. Surah Al-Imran ayat 8-9: Doa memohon rahmat
11. Surah Ibrahim ayat 40: Doa agar anak tetap mengerjakan solat
12. Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 128: Doa agar anak patuh kepada Allah SWT
13. Surah Yassin ayat 22 – 23: Untuk menjaga aqidah/memberi hidayah kepada anak
14. Surah As-Sajdah ayat 7-9: Doa agar anak menjadi orang yang soleh dan baik
15. Surah Al-Furqan ayat 74: Doa agar dikurniakan anak yang menyejukkan/menyenangkan hati ibu bapa/doa untuk mendisiplinkan anak/doa untuk kebahagiaan sekeluarga.
Untuk mudahkan anak-anak menerima pelajaran, suruh anak-anak mengamalkan bacaan surah Al-Insyirah ayat 1 – 8 (Alam Nasyrah) dan surah Al-Alaq (Iqra’) dalam solat Subuh.
Selain itu, hafal serta amalkan surah An-Nur ayat 30 untuk terangkan hati, insya-Allah.
SURAH AL-IIIJ’R (Batu Gunung)
Barangsiapa membaca 3 ayat yang terakhir dari surah ini ke atas perempuan yang selalu anak kandungannya gugur, nescaya anak kandungannya itu akan terselamat.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat 31 dari surah ini ke atas perempuan yang hamil, nescaya ia melahirkan anak dalam kandungannya itu dengan selamat.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat 68 dari surah ini, nescaya Allah akan mengurniakan kesolehan kepada anak-anaknya.
Barangsiapa membacanya akan dimurahkan rezekinya dan diberikan kemuliaan kepadanya.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat 64 dari surah ini, ia akan terhindar dari kepahitan dan kesukaran hidup.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat-ayat 32 hingga 34 dari surah ini, nescaya anak-anaknya akan terhindar dari perbuatan-perbuatan syirik dan bida’ah.
Barangsiapa membacanya, nescaya akan mendapat kejayaan di dunia dan di akhirat.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat-ayat 7 hingga 9 dari surah ini ke atas kanak-kanak yang baru lahir, nescaya ia akan terhindar dari segala penyakit rohani dan jasmani.
Barangsiapa membacanya, nescaya ia akan terhindar dari segala penyakit terutama dari penyakit perut.
Barangsiapa membaca ayat 31 dari surah ini, nescaya akan terselamat dari bencana banjir.
Wallahu a’lam.